MAFN's April 28th Online Workshop: Jolts: Shake Up Your Sessions with Fun and Intention

  • 04/28/2023
  • 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Online using Zoom


Registration is closed

Duration: 3-hour workshop 

About the workshop:

Jolts! Have we got your attention? Join us as we revisit Thiagi’s treasure trove of Jolts published in 2011. Jolts intentionally energize participants in a meaningful and purposeful way whether in a meeting, team-building session, or workshop. They also enable participants to creatively discover critical insights.

We’ve selected a variety to explore and made a few updates to reflect our current virtual environment. We’ll “kick the tires” and test drive some with you in the main room, breakout rooms, and on Mural.

You’ll have an opportunity to take part in a two-fold debriefing: from your vantage point as a participant and as a facilitator/trainer.

Learning Objectives

In this session, participants will:

• Experience the power of Jolts to unleash energy and foster engagement.

• Discover a variety of Jolts that you may use or adapt in your facilitation and/or training work.

• Explore how tailoring Jolts and adapting debriefing questions can make a tangible difference.

NOTE: This workshop will be recorded for distribution to all who register (breakout rooms will not be recorded).

This is a 3-hour online workshop. It will take place from 12:00pm to 3pm Eastern Time.


Laura Lazar Holbrook, MA, MLS, CVF, MMP, is a trainer and facilitator who designs and facilitates customized training sessions and retreats for associations, non-profits, and government agencies. Laura specializes in unleashing participant energy, creativity and insights to advance professional growth and organizational effectiveness. Whether the focus is on developing new skills, rolling out an organizational initiative, or enhancing team effectiveness, she brings versatility, flexibility, and integrity to the table. Laura leverages her deep understanding of best virtual practices and an ever-expanding repertoire of tools to create environments in which participants can connect, share, and support each other. In doing so, she draws on Liberating Structures, Technology of Participation, simulations and other interactive strategies. Laura has enjoyed collaborating with Tanja for several years on a variety of virtual projects.

Tanja Sarett, M.A., CFRE, CVF, ACC, is a facilitator, trainer, and executive leadership coach passionate about helping nonprofit organizations increase innovation, effectiveness, and revenue. Appreciating the opportunities in the virtual world to achieve results and bring people and teams together (no matter where they live), Tanja has developed her virtual toolbox on Zoom, Mural, and Spatial Audio sites. She brings to her work a wide range of collaborative and creative techniques and tools from IDEO Design Thinking, Liberating Structures, the Technology of Participation, and the Agile community. Tanja offers train-the-trainer sessions for facilitators and nonprofit professionals to empower them in the virtual world. Now, Tanja is looking forward to another MAFN workshop and teaming up again with Laura, who is equally excited about experimenting with new methods and sharing them with facilitator colleagues.


  • - No refunds or credits for registration cancellations.
  • - Registration closes at midnight the day before the workshop.
  • - Registered participants will receive instructions for joining the live session and any additional details 1 day in advance and the morning of the event. Please be sure to look for the link in your email.
  • - Workshops begin promptly at 12:00PM Eastern.  Please log on at least 15 minutes in advance to ensure your internet connections, audio and other settings are functioning properly.
  • MAFN Members have access to all online workshop recordings via the MAFN website.
  • - For registration or membership questions contact